Thursday, October 22, 2009

Useful stuff!!

Spread your the artist within you!

All of us have talents, without talents, we'd not be in the positions that we are in currently...maybe a professional like a Doctor, a professor, an accountant or even a nobody! Trust me, being a nobody needs skills!
Though we already know bout the things we can do, there are a millions things more that we can discover bout ourselves...but it's not just going to pop up in front of you is it?! Yes, you have skills, but you have to try different things, test yourself...push yourself to do something new, something that you appreciate others doing and always think, "only if I could do something like that!" Well, who's stopping you??
C'mon people, it's time, time to spread you wings! All of us are bsy people, but we can always make time for ourselves, cuz if you can't, then trust me, you're missing out on LIFE!!
Post you comments and let me know what you feel bout this thought..cheers :)


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life on a wet ceiling...

So many things happening around us we don’t usually notice but once in a while when we pay close attention to it, simplest of things teach us so much...for example, lets pick a wet ceiling this time...
What comprises a wet ceiling? Uh...water obviously! We all have seen a wet ceiling, and we all might have noticed water drops hanging from the plaster or tiles, randomly running around the stretch of the ceiling, many drops fusing with each other, many falling down intermittently, sometimes after fusion and many times before...hmmm, what’s so interesting in that? Any ideas?? Well, let’s look at it from a different angle...say the drops of water are us...yes, us humans...
What is life? Loads of running around, loads of hanging on if you know what I mean...Life in the modern world is very fast and there’s hardly enough time to spare for ourselves, let alone for someone else...most of us don’t even realise what we might have missed while running to try and catch the fast train, we don’t realise that behind all that rush in our life, there’s a lot of life that we miss upon...
So, what has the wet ceiling to do with that? Let me explain...imagine a ceiling, imagine yourself splashing water onto it (don’t do this if your mom’s around!), and now observe...what do you see? The drops are running around just like us humans, all in a hurry...they all rush to the centre point of the ceiling but not all make it there, some succeed and many fail...they lose their grip from the ceiling and fall to the ground, those are the unsuccessful people in the world...a few drops reach their goal, but eventually join the others on the ground, those are the successful people in the world...this just shows, all are matter what you achieve in your life, the journey is what matter, because we all share the same final destination...
Look closer...many drops unite and grow like they are making a contract with each other to be better and bigger, many work, and the drops unite to form a big one, something like two small industries fusing to form a big one...but many a times, after fusion, they become too big to hold on, and they drop...this shows that we must be satisfied with what we have at times, because that’s the only way to “hang on”...
Looking at the fusion, there’s another important part of life that we can portray, that’s Love...drops reaching out to each other, some fall before they’re close enough to unite, some fall immediately after uniting, many going in the opposite directions, and very rarely, uniting to stay long enough before falling...that’s love my friends, it works sometimes but not always...but hey, don’t give up! Many drops to look around for...but here comes the main point, once united, the drops do not separate...
Hmmm...I myself didn’t think of most of this before I started writing this, but the flow of thoughts just...uh...flows! This, I still believe, is just the tip of the iceberg when we go to consider the facts and concepts about life that we can learn from the simplest of things, that in our day to day work, we tend to, once in a while my friends, in this fast-track-life of ours, we must learn to take the slower lane sometimes and look around, trust me on this, you’d be amazed!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


"You're getting me wrong", "Try and understand", "I din't mean that"... haven't we all faced a situation where such words just make no difference to the person they're addressed to...? Haven't you wished that for once that person would try and listen to your side of the story? And most of all, even if they listen, that they'd also understand your point and for once, agree?

Perception... the major criminal in most misunderstandings... its funny the way things are perceived so very differently by two different people... how harmless and light-hearted comments become the blades that cut friendships in half!

Humour... the one thing that is perceived wrongly most of the times... you see, some people just can't smile, let alone laugh... come on guys, no taxes for a smile... spread a cheer!

As with most times, I don't write without a reason... and this time too, its because I've been misunderstood, yet again... I mean, why does it happen? Especially when its something that is perceived wrongly... something that is simply going haywire for no solid reason... and as always, its not open to any ammendments made by me... its frustrating!

Love and friendship, both alike are prone to misunderstandings, but the strength of a relationship lies in the power of those involved to sort out the misunderstanding without leaving any permanent scars on the relation itself... and thats where the frustration lies, to realise that you faultered in judging the strength of the counter-part's feelings about you!

Misunderstanding is itself so misunderstood that people dont understand how a small misunderstanding can ruin a good relation and infact at times even reverse it completely! Its only when the misunderstanding is understood that one realises the true extent of the damage caused by it... and with many cases, it is infact too late for any ammendments...

So my message to all my readers is such that as far as possible, avoid misunderstandings and clear them out in the best possible way... because believe me, its always better to lose your ego than to lose a friend in life... every friend is a gift, preserve it...


Monday, August 4, 2008

A Soldier's Prayer..

"Love is Eternal, Life is not,
To serve my country this life is short..

Hundreds I've killed in the battles I've fought,
I've pinched my soul with each bullet I shot..

Forgive me My Lord, for if You forgot,
A WARRIOR I am, A KILLER I'm not..
